Dermatitis Kit

100% Natural Remedy for Dermatitis
Feline dermatitis is a skin condition defined by itchy and irritated skin lesions. When cats get dermatitis, it is almost always due to an allergic reaction, which could be caused by many different sources. It may be food allergies, thyroid imbalance, skin infection, and even environmental allergens like pollen or mold.
The best remedies for dermatitis include support for your cat’s immune system for a healthy histamine response. NHV dermatitis kit for cats contains two essential supplements, each containing proprietary and full spectrum blends of herbs to strengthen and support your cat’s immune system. For best results, use these supplements in conjunction with the treatment for cat dermatitis recommended by your vet.
Natural Supplemental Remedy for Miliary Dermatitis
This kit contains skin relief and coat health support for your ailing feline with NHV Stimmune and NHV Ouch Away.
NHV Stimmune - Supports Immune System
- Promotes healthy immune activity and histamine response
- Helps ease allergy symptoms including watery eyes, sneezing, difficulty breathing and face rubbing
- May reduce swelling and excess mucus in the nasal passages.
- Encourages a healthy response to seasonal allergies
NHV Ouch Away - Strengthens a Weak Immune System
- Promotes hair growth
- Helps repel ticks and mosquitoes
- Helps fight infection
- Calms skin irritation
Why Use Natural Supplements as a Remedy?
Our herbal supplements are beneficial to the health and well being of your pet and are safe for long-term use. These plant-based remedies for dermatitis will provide support along with a vet-recommended plan for dermatitis treatment in your cat.
NHV strives to bring natural support to promote health and stimulate healing. If you have questions or concerns, you can always ask the experts at NHV. We have a very supportive professional team of pet experts who are there to help and can recommend supplements. The primary goal at NHV is to provide pets with a better quality of life.