The Cymric (pronounced sim-ruhk) can trace their bloodlines to the Isle of Man though Canada is thought to be where they were first developed. In the CFA (Cat Fanciers Association), the Cymric is considered the longhaired version of the Manx Cat. However, in other cat organizations like TICA, they are recognized as their own unique breed. Originally bred as mousers, Cymric cats have good hunting instincts and are highly energetic. They have a medium-length, silky double coat that comes in a variety of colors and patterns ranging from solid, tabby, tortoiseshell and calico. Brush your furry friend once or twice a week to remove tangles and loose fur and they will love you for it! Known for having no tail or a very short tail, Cymrics are very agile and have powerful hind legs that are a little longer than their front legs, creating a rounded silhouette like a bunny! Their heavy boning and short body are often mistaken for being obese, but they are simply built like an adorable bowling ball!
Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for
Mobility Issues:
may develop in Cymric cats with extremely shortened spines (no tail). The gene responsible for a short tail or no tail may affect bone and joint formation.
Recommendations for Mobility Issues in :
Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for
may be an issue in Cymrics with no tails (rumpy) or extremely short tails due to their shortened spine. Cats in the Manx breed group may be prone to developing issues in their bladder and bowels.
Recommendations for Diarrhea in :
Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for
is a condition that develops from recurring constipation. Some tailless Cymric cats may be prone to this condition.
Recommendations for Megacolon in :

Just like their Manx relatives, Cymrics are also very doglike in their behavior: they can be leash-trained, learn tricks, and love to follow you around from room to room! If socialized young, these medium-sized kitties (8-12 lbs) can live harmoniously with dogs, fish and even birds. They are intelligent, playful, social cats that are great family pets. So if you're someone who is looking for an adorable cat with a beautiful fluffy coat, is ready to be your #adventurecat and may not have a tail, then the Cymric could be your next four-legged companion!