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Deworming Remedies for Roundworms in Dogs

Support for Roundworms in Dogs

The roundworm is a common parasite that infects a dog's intestines and migrates to the liver, bloodstream, and lungs. Adult roundworms can grow to a length of up to seven inches. These 100% natural remedies for deworming roundworms in dogs support their recovery on their own, or with treatment provided by your veterinarian. Use both for comprehensive holistic support.

Symptoms of Roundworms in Dogs

  • Diarrhea with mucus
  • Constipation
  • Spaghetti-like strings in a dog’s feces or vomit
  • Coughing leading to pneumonia
  • Poor growth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Distended/swollen abdomen
  • Dull coat
  • Worms in feces

Four Ways Dogs Can Be Infected:

  • Through prenatal infection that occurs when larvae move through the placenta in utero (this is the most common way puppies are affected).
  • From mother to puppies through mother's milk.
  • By ingesting eggs in the soil. Roundworm eggs are protected by a hard shell and can live in the soil for months or years.
  • By ingesting infected animals such as rodents and birds.

In puppies, the eggs enter the mouth and travel to the stomach where larvae are carried to the lungs by the circulatory system. Once in the lungs, the larvae make their way up the windpipe and are swallowed into the intestine where they develop into adult worms.

Roundworm infections are relatively benign when compared to other intestinal parasites. However, infections can become life-threatening if an intestinal blockage occurs. That is why it is important to use dewormer for roundworms in dogs as soon as possible. Outdoor dogs are more likely to get roundworms, and females expecting puppies are particularly vulnerable around the time their puppies are due. Roundworms, like all intestinal parasites, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration that will make a dog more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections and diseases.

Additional Support

Visit your vet immediately if you notice any signs indicating the presence of roundworms or any parasite. To help prevent infection, dispose of pet droppings regularly, remove contaminated soil, and rid your yard of mice and rodents that are a potential source of infection. Roundworms can infect people so protect your family by ensuring everyone washes their hands regularly, especially after contact with animal feces or other bodily fluids. Using dog roundworm dewormer, like Inulin-PK, is an effective method to remove the parasites. NHV natural Dog roundworm supplements are liquid and are easy to administer. Read our blog to learn more about the importance of deworming your pets.

NHV Pet Products are 100% natural, gentle, and safe to use daily to help your pets pounce back to health. Order $50 or more and get free shipping within the USA and Canada.

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