remedies by condition
Remedies for Cat Health Problems by Condition
As pet parents, we want to do everything possible to make sure our feline friend’s health is the best it can be. NHV's 100% natural, plant-based supplements are vet-formulated for over 150 different cat health problems, including CRF, hyperthyroidism, lymphoma, and liver disease. Our products are vet-approved and are often safe for long-term use in pets.
While we like to think that our pets will never have health problems, cats can develop many of the same issues that humans do. Cats are susceptible to conditions like asthma, allergies, and skin issues throughout their entire life. As cats age, they can also develop arthritis or joint pain, and other degenerative disorders that also plague elderly humans. Serious cat health problems like cancer, diabetes, and heart conditions can also develop at any time over their lifespan.

Shop by Condition
Use the “Shop by Condition” window to the left of your screen and select the condition that your cat is facing. We have different remedies and bundles for each condition that will help support your cat in their recovery.
As with any cat’s condition, these issues should be addressed and treated as soon as possible so that the problem does not grow and cause more damage to your pet.
NHV Natural Pet Products offers free shipping on orders of $100 or more within the USA and Canada. See our blog to find all sorts of helpful articles on common cat health problems.
How NHV Natural Pet Products Help with Each Condition
The natural herbal supplements by NHV have been formulated by veterinarians with 20+ years of experience in their field. They’re human-grade remedies made to help pets live healthier for longer. They are ethically-sourced, proprietary, and full-spectrum.
We make a substantial investment in clinical research every year. Our remedies for cat health problems are enjoyed by pets in dozens of countries. We love and care for animals, and have dedicated our careers to finding the best ways to care for your pet.
Talk to a Pet Expert
If you have questions about your cat’s health problems or our natural supplements, please visit our Pet Expert Q&A, where you will find questions pet owners like yourself have asked.
You’re welcome to contact us online for questions about our supplements, or call our pet expert hotline at 1-877-937-4372.