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British Shorthair


Overview of British Shorthair

Sometimes nicknamed the Winston Churchill of the cat world because of their sturdy build and dignified attitude, the British Shorthair has inspired some of the most iconic kitties in art and literature like the Cheshire Cat in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Puss in Boots and Church in Pet Cemetary. Almost like a teddy bear come to life, their infectious smile and mellow personality explain why they are the most popular cat breed in the UK. Considered to be the oldest breed of English cats, the British Shorthair’s ancestry even traces back to the vermin hunters in Rome. Their dense plush coat comes in nearly 30 colors and patterns, but blue is by far the most popular—they were even known as a British Blue at one point. Because their coat is short, it only requires weekly brushing with a soft brush to keep their fur clean and healthy. Unlike most cat breeds, it takes a British Shorthair 3-5 years to reach full maturity (12-18lbs) so they may stay playful longer than your average cat. The British Shorthair's life expectancy is quite impressive, and many live to be older than 20!

Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for British Shorthair


In older kitties is fairly common and can cause a lot of discomfort for your furry companion. Inflammation in muscles, bones and joints can present as wariness to jump or be handled, limping, aggression and hiding.

Recommendations for Arthritis in British Shorthair Cats:

Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for British Shorthair


Is a condition that British Shorthairs may be susceptible to, especially senior ones. It is a common glandular disorder caused by an overproduction of thyroid hormones. Symptoms include weight loss despite an increased appetite, panting and restlessness.

Recommendations for Hyperthyroidism in British Shorthair Cats:

Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for British Shorthair

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM):

Is the most common heart disease in cats and British Shorthairs may be prone to it. It is a genetic condition that may not be curable but with the right care plan, your kitty can manage their symptoms and still live a long and happy life.

Recommendations for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) in British Shorthair Cats:



Once a hunter and protector of food stocks, the British Shorthair has traded in their hunting skills for cozy family life and snoozing by the fire. They are adaptable kitties who will do well in a house or apartment - your neighbors will appreciate their quiet voice. British Shorthairs are independent, undemanding kitties who don't necessarily need loads of attention but are equally as happy being scooped up for a cuddle as they are spending time alone. Fortunately for pet pawrents, these chubby-cheeked cuties will bond with the whole family (including other pets) rather than just one particular person. They are very clever and learn quickly, so don't be surprised if your British Shorthair can open a door or cabinet with ease!

British Shorthair Cat Videos

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