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Potent Support for Your Fur Family

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure

Potent Support for Your Fur Family

Supplements for Cat Kidney Issues

Holistic Supplements Solutions for Kidney Failure in Cats

Chronic kidney disease is one of the most common diseases in older cats. You may have done all the right things as a pet parent, but kidney failure in cats can happen to kitties of any age and for many reasons. Since kidneys provide essential, everyday support that your cat’s body depends on, adding safe, natural supplements for extra support early on can be very helpful. Without proper kidney function, your cat’s quality of life can be severely threatened. NHV’s all-natural cat kidney health supplement helps naturally support your cat’s kidney function and helps soothe the symptoms of kidney failure.

How NHV Remedies Support Cats with Kidney Failure

Because the kidneys play such an important role in the elimination of toxins and waste from your cat's body, kidney failure can be devastating for both furkiddos and their humans! The most common symptoms in cats with kidney problems [K1] include increased thirst, frequent urination, poor appetite, weight loss, and low energy. Unfortunately, by the time symptoms are obvious, irreversible damage may have already been done, so starting a healthy regimen as soon as possible is recommended. Sadly, kidney disease is irreversible, but with a good treatment plan from your vet, diet, nutrition, as well as supplementation your sweet kitty can still lead a long and happy life.

For cats who need superior renal aid and relief, we recommend our Kidney Failure Super Support Kit, which contains Tripsy™, Milk Thistle, and Turmeric. Milk Thistle helps eliminate toxins during recovery and is safe for everyday preventative use. Turmeric also aids in detoxification and stimulates healing and overall well-being.

Support Your Cat’s Kidneys with Tripsy™

For daily kidney and renal support, Tripsy™ for Cats is our main recommendation. Tripsy, NHV’s cat kidney health supplement contains gentle, natural ingredients like:

  • Stone Root— Helps to gently balance urinary flow, may help with kidney stones
  • Parsley Piert—Helps with kidney and bladder stones
  • Wild Hydrangea—Helps with pain and inflammation
  • Gravel Root—Helps to gently break down calculi in the bladder and kidneys and may help to gently eliminate crystals.
  • Echinacea Purpurea— Helps reduce inflammation and may help to inhibit bacterial formation while promoting healing
  • Marshmallow—Contains anti-inflammatory properties, helps control bacterial infections, and soothe irritated tissues
  • Oregon Grape—Contains antibiotic and immunostimulatory properties; improves digestion and nutrient absorption

More on Kidney Failure in Cats

Cats with reduced kidney function find it difficult to properly cleanse the body of toxins. The inability to expel waste and clean the blood can cause a dangerous buildup of toxins that can threaten your pet’s life and well-being. Chronic kidney failure in cats tends to occur later in life, while acute kidney failure usually affects younger cats.

Cats develop kidney issues for multiple reasons. Infection, physical trauma, genetics, and bladder stones can all inhibit kidney function. Urine and blood samples are both required to officially diagnose kidney failure. Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to remove waste products from the blood, or when a blockage in the urinary system causes dangerous levels of toxic waste to build in the blood. Failure takes place so slowly that symptoms may not become obvious until extensive damage is done. The degree of kidney failure will determine if and what treatment is possible.

You can learn more about how NHV has supported kitties in their journey with kidney and renal failure. See how finicky Audrey adjusted to her new kidney friendly diet supplemented by Tripsy™ and Milk Thistle.

Additional Support

If you suspect your kitty has kidney issues, contact your vet team immediately. Do not diagnose or treat kidney diseases on your own. NHV Natural Pet Products’ cat kidney health supplements are an excellent additional support. But it takes diet, nutrition, and vet treatment for full support. NHV supplements are not a substitute for vet-prescribed care. For more information and recommendations, contact our team of pet experts.

Don’t forget our pet experts are here to help you and your cat. Contact us anytime to chat with a pet expert, or see here for a personalized nutrition plan to support your cat’s kidney treatment.

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