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Russian Blue


A Russian Blue's iconic bright blue coat has been their most distinguishing trait for more than a century. Also known as Archangel cats, they were first discovered around the port of Arkhangelsk on the White Sea about 150 miles just south of the Arctic Circle. Some say that these stately felines are descendants of cats belonging to Russian Czars. While they may be somewhat reserved around strangers, Russian Blues are extremely loving towards those deemed worthy of their affections. These are medium-sized kitties that typically weigh between 7-15 lbs. The combination of plush silvery-blue fur and green eyes is quite a striking combination! Kittens typically have yellow-gold eyes that turn green as they mature. Russian Blues are among some of the most intelligent cat breeds around and can learn to fetch, open doors, and do many other tricks.

Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for


Russian Blues are known to have a very healthy appetite. It is important to make sure they don’t eat too many extra treats by keeping them on a regular feeding schedule and providing a balanced diet.

Recommendations for Obesity in :

Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD):

Like many other cat breeds, Russian Blues may be prone to polycystic kidney disease - a progressive disease where cysts form on their kidneys and cause decreased functioning.

Recommendations for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) in :

Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV):

Like all cats, Russian Blues are susceptible to viral infections such as feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). The presence of this virus weakens your pet’s immune system and leaves their body susceptible to secondary infections and health complications.

Recommendations for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) in :



Russian Blues are known for their playfulness, intelligence, and somewhat aloof nature. They tend to be curious and tranquil and are happiest in a home with consistency. They don't do well with sudden changes. Like the Korat, these kitties only come in the color blue! Their thick undercoat requires weekly brushing to keep mats at bay. Russian Blues are loving kitties that get along well with children and other pets, so they make a great addition to any household. So if you’re in the market for a cool, clever kitty who may have royal blood, you’ll adore a Russian Blue!

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