Cooper the FeLV kitty

"If you own a cat...please read: Update on our Cooper. He turned one in Sept. He's a rescue kitty who tested negative for feline leukemia. But right before Thanksgiving (this yr) he was acting odd & we took him to the vet only to find out he DID have FL. Apparently it can lay dormant in kittens ,even after a neg. test. So PLEASE have your kittens retested after 6mos.
Anyway, the temporary vet we saw(not our normal doc) acted like he had to be put down within a few days.
My intuition told me otherwise. I did some research & found 'NHV FELIMM'
SO amazing!!! All natural herbs. After just 2-3 weeks he's gained weight back, trots around the house, eats like a biggy...wants to sneak outside all normal cats things. Please pass this company, NHV, to other pet owners. They have all sorts of remedies to help cats & dogs with cancer & other ailments. With NHV products I believe cats may have more than nine lives."