Mazie Fighting Lymphoma

"I have ordered my second set of lymphoma Gold, i do believe it is helping. My baby girl Mazie was diagnosed right before Easter this year and we were devastated . I noticed a lump on the side of her neck and i told my husband, we took her to the vet and he did blood work, that's how we found out. We adopted Mazie from Southern Paws 2015. She is on [pharmaceutical name removed] and also the Lymphoma Gold drops. After, i want to say 2 weeks we took her back to the vet and the blood work showed her Lymphoma level was low our vet told us to keep doing what we are doing cause when we first brought her in her lymph nodes were all swollen, but when we went back after our frist set of Lymphoma Gold plus being on [pharmaceutical name removed] they were down. She was on one and a half of [pharmaceutical name removed] now is only gets half a pill and we do the drops. I have already ordered my second set and received them she will be staying on these drops. Personally, I do believe in these drops . Could it be a combination of drops and [pharmaceutical name removed]? I do believe the drops are helping as well and i will continue to give them to her. Thank you for helping my furbaby!! I tell everyone about this company and the drops.. Thank you !! Mazie said, Thank you for helping her !" - Dawn