Natural Care for Cancer in Cats

“My cat Lisa lost her appetite and looked lethargic. The following week, after seeing no signs of improvement, I took her to the vet. Samples of blood and urine were taken and sent to a lab. A few days later our vet called and cautiously asked about Lisa. There was some concern in her voice tone.I told her that Lisa was the same with no change for either better or worse. After a moment of hesitation the vet delivered us bad news. The blood results were extremely abnormal and the vet confessed that she was surprised my cat was still alive. The suggestion was to bring Lisa in for an X-ray and Ultrasound. Large masses covering over half of her liver were discovered. After a consultation with a board certified surgeon, additional scans with a contrast fluid took place and some strange spots in other organs were suspected. Aspiration wouldn't be enough to get accurate information about what we are dealing with. An invasive biopsy was suggested. It was necessary to obtain a piece of liver tissue in order to make a definitive diagnosis. I was torn. My cat was too weak. Even if she survives biopsy and doesn't bleed internally, even if surgery was an option, the question was...would she survive the surgery. And even if she does, will she recover, given her weakened condition? At the time, Lisa was 14.5 y.o. I'm not the kind of person who gives up easily. One part of me was screaming: do everything possible, be proactive, this is the only possible chance. The other half of me was against putting a weak older animal through all this. I felt deep down that the odds weren't that good. After a few days of tormenting thoughts and battle with myself, I decided that it would be more humane to keep Lisa home and make her as comfortable as possible for as long as possible. Long sleepless nights were spent in search for alternative ways. I came across the blog about the survival of Nate, the cat. His treatment plan was pointing to two websites, including NHV. Milk Thistle was part of the protocol and made a perfect sense to start with, as it is known for liver regenerative properties. I ordered Milk Thistle along with Es-clear and Turmeric and started giving these three and a powder from another site to Lisa as soon as the products arrived. Lisa has been given all this twice a day, mixed with Recovery vet prescribed food (which enticed her to eat) and some [pharmaceutical name removed] which also helped with her appetite increase. She didn't mind the taste of the products. Within a week Lisa perked up and got her energy back. She even started playing with her toy! I was amazed. Two months later I took Lisa for a re-check. I cannot remember which scans we did, but they didn't show any changes in the size of tumor. I was just happy it didn't grow any bigger. Blood was drawn again, I insisted on the blood work, even though my vet didn't think it was necessary . The vet mentioned however that Lisa didn't look sick and didn't lose any more weight. Two days later, my cellphone rang very early in the morning. I ignored it and let it go to my voice mail. When I got up and checked the recorded message, I dropped my jaw. It was our vet calling on her day off. She received Lisa's blood work results and couldn't believe her eyes. With an excitement in her voice she reported some amazing results. Here was the news: Lisa's new AST was 73 (norm is 10-100), while 2 months ago it was 1,586 !!! new ALT was 206 (norm 10-100), while 2 months ago it was 4,614 !!! ALK came 100 (norm 6-102) while 2 months ago it was 217!!! HGB, HCT and platelet count came to a normal range while back then they were below normal range..That was incredible! I couldn't believe what I heard! I called the vet back the next day, as I didn't want to disturb her on her day off. She answered and was super excited. She said she was speechless, she had no scientific explanation to what happened, but she didn't believe the meds had anything to do with these incredible improvements. She asked me what I was giving Lisa and after hearing my answer she told me to keep doing what I was doing. I took Lisa to the vet again in February. The results weren't as remarkable as before and some numbers got worse, but not by much. We cut on frequency and amount of a [pharmaceutical name removed] as it started affecting Lisa's kidneys. We added Tripsy and Nature's Immuno. I will be taking Lisa to the vet again in June. Lisa isn't as energetic as during the time we first started with the protocol. BUT it is a miracle that she is still around and doesn't seem to be in distress. I'm very thankful to NHV for wonderful products which extended Lisa's life beyond our expectations. Back in September the vet didn't think Lisa would last even a few days in that condition. Today is May 30th and we are still enjoying Lisa's company. What a gift!!! For as long as Lisa lives, we'll be purchasing your products to support her well being. Thank you for your truly wonderful treatments and a very caring team. Sincerely, Inna H.”