Jax With Hyperthyroidism

"Over time, his pain diminished, to the point where he no longer needs any pain medication. His coat became gorgeous, just like it was when he was a young, healthy cat! He gets a shaving twice a year, because his long, thick coat mats easily, and it eliminates the hairball problem, but the vet usually has to sedate him for the groomer, which means he has to have blood tests done first.
In late August he got his “lion” haircut. And LO! AND BEHOLD! ALL of Jax’s blood test results were NORMAL!!!! My vet was SO pleased, and told me to keep on doing whatever it is I am doing for him! I told her about the RESTHYRO, and she took notes for future reference! It is now barely 5 months since I started him on the RESTHYRO. He has gained some weight, but the incredible thing is I am beginning to see muscle mass increase in his affected leg!!"
- Linda