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Natural support during chemo

Natural support during chemo

"Hamish is 12 years old and was diagnosed with large cell lymphoma in August of this year. We decided to do chemotherapy and also NHV products. The first few weeks of chemo Hamish slept a lot and we weren’t sure if it was working he was also very anemic. Once the herbs arrived I right away administered them to him and within a half an hour Hamish perked up. Since then Hamish has been doing his herbs twice a day and sailing through chemo. He has had six treatments once a week and now is doing every other week.

He has his energy back, is running around again, has more of an appetite, and his anemia is getting better.

I know that Hamish couldn’t come through this chemo as well without these products. I am forever grateful."  - Nicole

Read Hamish's full story here.

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