Support for Dolce's Liver

"My pup who is a small Pom - Dolce is 11 years old & this year 3 of his liver values were exceptionally high where the vet wanted to begin checking him for Cushings disease plus various other tests but I had came across your supplements via Instagram by following my fav Insta page of the older gentleman who has senior dogs, a chicken, a pig, etc. and decided before I endure my pup to these tests. I wanted to begin him on NHV, after your recommendation of tumeric & milk thistle. It has been over 30 days since he began the supplements & I’m thrilled to say that after seeing his vet on August 27th, the liver values are back to normal. I am beyond thankful and now am recommending your products to my friends. Thank goodness that your company exists! Forever Grateful, Raquelle & Dolce"