Neca the dog fighting cancer

"Neca is 15 years old, she has cancer and kidney disease. A friend with multiple senior dogs recommended NHV holistic care to add. I started with Milk Thistle, Tripsy and ES-clear. But right after her both diagnoses she got pancreatitis and a UTI, so I added Felimm, Mellit and Multi-essentials.
I sent her blood work and all supplements and dosages were custom to Neca, I also got the meal plan, it has recipes but what I find more helpful a chart indicating the foods she can eat which saves me a lot of time so I don’t have to research all foods.
Just one month of the supplements regime and she gained 2 pounds, and her blood work improved tremendously.
I recently purchased the Lessstress to help with her anxiety as chemo sessions were very stressful to her.
The team is amazing, the personal care they have for each pet is everything, and being able to communicate as a caring community is priceless."
- Ana