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Donavon the epileptic blind kitty

Donavon the epileptic blind kitty

"Donovan has Epilepsy with still unknown origin (big and small/focal seizures). Recently something new happened. His big seizures don’t happen too often luckily. He has small ones regularly though (eye flickering, weird head tilts, seeing ghosts etc). 

After I started the detox I thought he became a bit more active but it’s been summer and he doesn’t like heat at all, so he’s lazy anyway, but he didn’t have any focal seizures or other symptoms. He got a grand mal seizure after two month (usual time span) but since then it’s been almost 4 months without a grand mal  now the weather gets better (cooler) and he is indeed more active. I recently id a blood test and… his results are much better then before taking your supplements 

However, I already see positive results and that’s wonderful. You all are awesome. Especially since you actually care about the animals and are so supportive  thank you. Donovan and I thank you all for your love and he sends you many purrs and kitty kisses."

- Donovan's Mum

Read Donavon's full story here.

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