FeLV & FIV Support for Smokey

"Our Smokey was a stray that we fed outside a few weeks, and it became clear that he needed serious help. He had lice, fleas, worms, severe anemia, and tested positive for FIV and FeLV. He ate 4 cans of food daily and still lost weight. The vet recommended euthanasia 2 months later because I was holding him up to eat and potty. I didn't tell the vet that he'd started NHV and I wanted to give it a chance. That was 8 months ago and he's a big happy beast thanks to NHV! He is on longterm [Pharmaceutical name removed], but showed no improvement until he started NHV. He has his own room for all his days, and now he RUNS across the room for treats and jumps on the cat tower to enjoy the window. He has quality of life and he knows love! I've started the other 4 cats on NHV." - Pamela