Idiopathic Cystitis Support

"I have 4 kitties and 1 of them, Apollo, has idiopathic cystitis. He is on special food but some times, a lot of times, he gets into the other kitties food and when he does, depending on how much he ate, it causes him to have very painful urinary issues and bleeding. Since being on the cystitis kit and still getting into the other food, I haven't seen any blood drops in his urine or on his white fur. He in general seems to be in more comfort!! I have another kitty, Gemini, on tumeric and natures immuno for a polyp on the flap of his treacha. This polyp if it gets big causes him to have breathing problems and could in turn cause him to suffocate. It has been removed 2xs several yrs ago before starting these supplements. He is now going on 2yrs without any issues at all! I love your products and will make sure my kitties are always on them! Thank you!!!" - Rozylnn