Willow's Mammary Tumor

"November 2021, I found a small mammary tumor on my BFF, Willow. The next day we went to the vet and he recommended surgery. I immediately began to research holistic treatments to supplement traditional vet care. Willow began with Turmeric, ES-Clear, and Milk Thistle soon after surgery. I later started her on Natures Immuno medicinal mushrooms. She has been on tall four since November.. After consulting with an oncologist, I was unhappy with the regimen he recommended and decided to get a second opinion with a vet who specializes in combined holistic and traditional care. When I told her what Willow was taking through NHV products, she was amazed at the level of research I had done and what I was giving her. She recommended a few other treatments (Chinese herbs) and a second opinion from her oncology colleague. It's February, 2022, and Willow is doing great on the NHV supplements. She is eating, she is active, and she is getting back to herself following her surgery. As of today, no new growths from what I have noticed. It has been a stressful few months, but I feel so lucky that 1) I found the tumor when it was very small, making surgery more successful than if I did not seek early treatment and 2) she is finally back to herself after recovery from surgery. I hope the NHV products will continue to slow the spread of (or even help deter) her cancer, and I plan to continue to use the products with my beloved little kitty. Thank you, NHV!" - Kerry