Hunter striving Feline Leukemia

"The day I brought Hunter Ray home, he was in a very bad shape. After all his eye drop medicines and lots of antibiotics, his little eye was saved. However, it was watering often and was always having to clean his eyes numerous times a day. Since he’s tested positive for Feline Leukemia, our vet said that he may have to be on eye drops the rest of his life. Since he’s been on the ES Clear and Felimm, his sneezing and runny nose have stopped. His eyes just need to be cleaned like a normal kitty now. AND, he’s not had anymore lumps come up on his body like we had to have removed in November. He’s doing really good. Still giving him his supplements twice a day and they’ve really helped with his Leukemia Symptoms! I will be needing to order more soon." - Stephanie